Pink Flowers Honor National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Each October, the month becomes an opportunity to raise awareness about breast cancer and take more time to support those fighting it. Breast Cancer Awareness Month may not look the same this year as it has in the past. That doesn't mean there are any fewer opportunities to get involved and make the most of this critical cause. We all are touched by breast cancer in some way because of the high numbers of friends, colleagues, family members, and others around us that have been diagnosed with it. Many have survived. Others have not. And, many more continue to fight it. This is an important time of year to emphasize mammograms and the need for emotional, physical, and financial support. Here are some thing you can do during Breast Cancer Awareness Month to make a difference: Use your social media to spread awareness and encouragement about breast cancer. Volunteer or get involved in some way with physical or virtual awareness events.  Contribute money or donate to organizations that help breast cancer patients or research. Actively help those you know who are fighting it whether this means driving them to chemo, helping care for their kids, or running errands for them.  Positivity goes a long way toward helping people fight cancer, so a thoughtful gift of pink flowers is one way you can add smile to a patient's face and help them stay strong. Your favorite Baltimore florist is here to help you do that with fresh pink bouquets, pink centerpieces, pink baskets and [...]