The freshest and most brilliant Carnations are at Radebaugh Florist

Radebaugh Florist Carnations Annually on January 29th, we recognize National Carnation Day. Some times it is also referred to as Red Carnation Day. The talented designers at Radebaugh Florist have produced attractive and the fresh Carnation flower arrangements to help honor National Carnation Day.  The day is dedicated to US President William McKinley. He was extremely fond of Carnations and could frequently be seen wearing them on his lapel. His birthday was January 29th. Carnations Symbolism There is a unique list of symbolic meanings for the Carnation. In addition to the history surrounding the origin of National Carnation Day, below are some interesting facts about the flower. If you were born in January, the Carnation is your birth flower. For couples first marriage anniversary, the Carnation is symbolic for that occasion. Some countries designate the Carnation as their national flower. Those countries are Monaco, Spain and Slovenia. Similarly, Ohio claims the Carnation as their state flower. The Carnation is the flower for Mother's Day. The person who founded Mother's Day named it as it was her mother's favorite flower. History reflects that Carnations date back to ancient times. The Greek and Roman civilizations used  Carnations  to decorate crowns. The crowns were most often used during elaborate ceremonies. In conclusion, there are additional facts and symbolic meanings associated with the Carnations. It is truly a unique and lovely flower. Radebaugh Florist offers stunning arrangements and bouquets using Carnations. Our flowers are always fresh and beautifully designed. For example, below is a brief sampling of what [...]