June is National Rose Month. It’s the perfect month to celebrate roses because roses are at their optimum in terms of growth and availability. That means you can enjoy great pricing, variety, and the freshest roses possible.

Whatever you plan to do or celebrate during June, think bout adding roses to the celebration or event. This includes Red Rose Day on June 12th. There may also be birthdays, anniversaries, new babies, graduation, and even weddings.

Our rose collection from our Baltimore flower shop and website is a good place to start when it comes to celebrating National Rose Month, Red Rose Dady, and all of our June celebrations. Our roses are some of the largest and freshest available thanks to our partnership with premier rose farms around the world.

We offer many red rose floral displays, including red rose bouquets with greenery in various sizes like half dozen, one dozen, and multiple dozens. You can also choose from red roses combined with other stunning flowers like hydrangea and lilies. They are simply gorgeous!

However, we have so much more than just red roses. You can choose from many colors, depending on what’s available when you place your order. Options may include lavender roses, yellow roses, pink roses, white roses, and more. You can also choose these other rose colors in any quantity as well as combine the colors into one rose bouquet.

Another beautiful way to celebrate roses and a special occasion in June is our gift crates. Many features rose bouquets along with other gift items. One of these gift crate options features Wockenfuss chocolates, half-dozen rose bouquet with white hydrangea arranged in a vase, and your choice of wine designed in a decorative wooden crate.

For any rose bouquet, we can also enhance it with other gift items like a greeting card, chocolates, a stuffed animal, balloons, and more.

You can also work with our floral designers on a custom rose bouquet, rose wedding flowers, and rose event flowers. To do this, make an appointment at our Baltimore flower shop.

We look forward to helping you celebrate roses during the month of June. Make this the perfect opportunity to add more roses to your life and those around you!