Today is the first day of Spring, and we’re so excited it’s finally here. After a year of uncertainty, all of us at your favorite Baltimore florist feel that Spring’s message of rebirth, renewal, and hope mean more this year than any that came before it. Spring has sprung, with sunshine and warmer weather on the way, and we are bouncing with joy!

To celebrate this moment of potentially moving forward with positive change and a return to some normalcy, our floral designs have been hard at work creating new spring floral designs for special spring birthdays and celebrations like Passover and Easter.  These floral designs are bright and cheerful, sublime and peaceful, religious, and even whimsical so there is something for everyone to celebrate Spring.

Our spring flower collection is now available for order both in our Baltimore flower shop and through our website. We are so excited to share it with you. There are many Spring favorites like tulips, ranunculus, hydrangea, roses, daisies, lilies, and more. Some are even combined together for even greater beauty. Enjoy many sizes and container types that match your decor and spring holiday decorations. The sizes, color choices, and prices make it so hard to decide! 

Enjoy our Spring flower services for custom spring arrangements and bouquets for gifts and Baltimore events like an upcoming Baltimore Spring wedding! Just call us to make an appointment so you can work directly with our events planning team and the best floral designers in Baltimore.

Of course, we also have other spring items like seasonal green plants and blooming plants as well as gardening supplies, hanging baskets, bedding flowers, and more to bring your Spring garden to life. Also, enjoy spring-themed gift crates and baskets.

Now is the time to also start planning for Easter on April 4th. We also have an Easter collection online and at our Baltimore flower shop that includes flowers, centerpieces, Easter plants, Easter goodies, and Easter baskets.

We are accepting orders in-person and look forward to welcoming you into our Baltimore florist location.

If you feel more comfortable staying virtual, that’s okay, too, because we accept orders by phone and through our website. You can pick up your Spring and Easter orders or request contactless delivery throughout the Baltimore area. We look forward to helping you celebrate Spring and all of its special occasions!